Urban Dictionary is a web-based slang
dictionary which is edited by users –like YOU.
You can find definitions of words, phrases,
etc. that you couldn’t come across in a normal dictionary. It looks like a
normal online glossary, there are more interpretations for some words and every
definition is followed by a sample sentence.
Btw, the webpage was born in 1999 and it
has some rules that you should know before becoming one of the editors. First
of all, you must provide a valid e-mail address. However, your post must be
approved by other registered editors who either accept or reject your submitted
definition. If there is no problem with your recommendation, it will be
published online in the dictionary. The editors have the right to supervise
definitions, hereby it could happen later that your suggestion is considered to
delete. To make it more complex, in the case if your idea seems popular by
voting (there is thumb ‘up’ and ‘down’ button) your entry cannot be deleted.
Today, you can find more than 5.6 million
definitions on Urban Dictionary. Editors receive approximately 2,000
suggestions per day. The site is visited by 15 million people per month and 80%
of web users are under 25.