Monday, February 27, 2012


As the complete computer geek that I am I guess I actually managed to delete my former post.
Well, whatever, it didn't get any comments either way (boo-hoo), so I guess I'll just have to think of something else that I can write about. Come up with something. Something... Something related to online communication.... ANYTHING... COME OOOON!

Naw, couldn't think of anything, so I'll just send you the picture of my cats. As we all know, cats are always a good way to become the centre of attention, so here they go:
Cirmi & Puding
See you later ^^


  1. Fun fact: If you squint your eyes then the caption kinda looks like "Crime & Punishment". Thank you, good night.

    1. Now I want to have twins and call them Crime and Punishment. Or War and Peace.

    2. I tried it. Now I feel silly.

    3. Crime and Punishment? Wow, haven't thought of that, but awesome idea. Maybe I'll give my future pets those names. Really.

      As nowadays people say: CHALLENGE ACCEPTED ;)
