Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Just a random comment

So while I was doing research for my BA thesis today, I came across an interesting sentiment in one of the books I was reading about New Media. It reminded me of what Anna Vera had written about her reasons for not registering on Twitter. She claimed that even without doing that, she had completed half of the assignment: she was completely aware of the different uses, advantages and disadvantages of Twitter.

So here is the excerpt. David Gauntlett (author, Professor of Media and Communications at the University of Westminster) is listing the key points of an outline for Media Studies 2.0 (in contrast to 1.0, which lacks an appropriate assessment of Web 2.0).
“The patronizing belief that students should be taught how to 'read' the media is replaced by the recognition that media audiences in general are already extremely capable interpreters of media content, with a critical eye and an understanding of contemporary media techniques, thanks in large to the large amount of coverage of this in popular media itself.” (David Gauntlett in Digital Cultures: Understanding New Media, 2009: 8)
Comment if you will, I just thought it was an interesting viewpoint, worthy of sharing. (And I haven't posted anything here in a while now, so this totally came in handy.)

And here's an awesome gif of Troy and Abed sitting in a blanket fort.


  1. that was a good quote. on saturday I attended a conference where a guy gave a 1 hour presentation about something similar. he also tries to spead the word (about awareness and the conscious and safe usage of the web 2.0)and made a movement called "esc4pe". he's just started but maybe I'll post about his project in here, since I didn't make any blog entries yet (because I felt I couldn't write about something connected to online communication just randomly) but his ideas are strongly connected to our topics.

  2. Troy and Abed in the moooorning! *nights!*
