Tuesday, April 3, 2012


As I was absent from the class where the blogs were assigned, I have decided to choose one on my own. I guess it's against the rules -- that must make me an against-the-rules guy. So I thought I would write about a site that I have following more-or-less for the past couple of years: Mashable. (http://mashable.com/)  If Mashable was already assigned to somebody else, then I am really sorry for pooping in their pie. I'll gladly buy them a beer for the inconvenience.

An independent news site, Mashable mainly deals with news about social media, technology, and digital culture. As such, it is a great source of information for most of the topics that are relevant to our course: blogs, Twitter, Facebook, wikis, etc. The site is constantly updated with news, in a variety of formats: infographics, videos, photos, and good old text. As it is often the case with big, influential blogs, Mashable is technically a blog, but it looks and feels like a news site.  The header at the top of the site lists the main news sections of Mashable, which are Social Media, Tech, Business, Entertainment, US & World (US is not part of the world), and Video.

Claiming the 2nd place in Technorati's Top 100 blogs (http://technorati.com/blogs/top100/) at the time of this writing, Mashable sees 20 million unique visitors every month, and is followed by 4 million people on social media services, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Interesting fact: I am one of those people on Facebook. I think the reason that so many people follow this site is that it is a well-written, easily understandable, and credible source for news and information about social media; something that many people are really interested in right now.


  1. I just want to say that I absolutely adore your tags. Not a euphamism.

  2. And it is bolded for the tl;dr crowd. I am amazed.

  3. Good choice :) I am also one of those couple of millions people. And just one more thing: please leave that "As I was absent from the class where" excuse to younger bloggers ;p

  4. As i use Google search engine, accidentally i bumped into Mashable and i consider it a great blog!
