Monday, April 23, 2012

Mashable - the blog about social media

     Mashable is a Scottish-American news website and Internet news blog founded by Pete Cashmore. The site's primary focuses are news related to the social media, but it has several divisions where you can browse, too, such as Tech, Entertainment, and Business. 
     The blog itself started in July 2005, and by now has 50 employees forking for maintaining the site. According to the 'Alexa Toolbar' it is currently the 211th most used or searched site, and so it is one of the largest websites with over 50 million viewers per month. As of March 2012, it has over 2,775,000 Twitter followers and over 838,400 fans on Facebook.
    It's is mainly a website concerning with social media, social websites, it is heavily involved in Google, Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter, and has posts about the latest Apple products,too. It is a still active website and it gets updated regularly.
     As we have been talking about twitter already, here is a link about the French elections, where, just like last time in Hungary, they weren't allowed to say anything specific. To overcome this hindrance, French used 'codewords' on twitter to inform people about the elections. Funfact: Sarkozy was referred to as 'the temperature in Budapest', because of his Hungarian father. The link to the post:  French elections on twitter
     Another interesting post was written about a phenomena on the internet: the phenomena of memes. Nowadays you can become a meme without realising that you actually did, just by being taken a photo of somewhere. This is exactly what happened to 'Ridiculously Photogenic Guy', alias Zeddie Little, who only wanted to take part on a marathon, and ended up being world-famous.

   In conclusion, this site is great for everyone who is intersted in social media, or just general tech-related topics, because it's up-to-date, easy to follow, and the posts are interesting.

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