Monday, April 16, 2012

Notes on

Hey Guys!

I think you've already read and heard my opinion about Twitter and guess what: I accidentally chose a post-it in class with the following note:, so my negative reactions reached the directory of Twitter and this is my challenging punishment that I have to follow the events of Twitter.

(I think it's needless to state it again but I will: I do know the advantages of Twitter, I like it, I agree with its users but I do not want to have an account because of personal issues and that's it, nothing more.)

I started to catch up with this blog's entries and my early observation is the following: they care too much about the new star, Ryan Gosling, which is totally acceptable concerning his good-looking appearance and acting skills. is a blog, where the editors usually write a weekly summary of the events. They quote the most interesting Tweets and complement them with opinions and background information. You can read about stars' games and life and there are some really important issues and cases, for example, this week Tweeters saved the life of a kidnapped South African man, which is an amazing and fortunate story of the guy.

The blog's outlook has the same blue colors and design as Twitter, and their description-like text is the following "Every week we capture and share the incredible moments that could happen #OnlyOnTwitter". From now on I will share with you my experiences with this official Twitter blog and I'll emphasize the most interesting happenings.



  1. Sorry, what did you write about, an awesome picture of Ryan Gosling distracted me..

  2. I think it's time for me to give a presentation on Ryan Gosling similar to the one about Chuck Norris.

    By the way, I wanted to check out this site. I bumped into this:
    "This blog has been suspended due to the violation of the's Terms of Service."


  3. You gotta be kidding me, Anna! :) Poor, you. I'm afraid, Twitter is your Destiny!
